The formula of rich and happy life

The formula of happy life = do WIWRN
The formula of wealth = HTEM on WIWRN, or HTEM on a Hobby

WIWRN - What I Want Right Now
HTEMHow To Earn Money

Justification of the formula:

Someone likes to draw and, in free time, he does it through the freelance exchange, receiving additional money. Someone likes to play games – becomes a tester, and also earn money for his pleasure. Someone even just amuses at night clubs, next day writes review of this event (in printed edition or even in his blog) and receive a few $K for this.

Try to remember the examples form your life. Finally, that things which you were satisfied or got perfect result, was made with good mood, “with soul and fire”, easy and pleasantly. And very often it was not really easy work, in the understanding of other people. For example, many people do not find any pleasure in physical self-torture in the gym. But I always run there with joy and anticipation. And vice versa, that affairs, which liked by other people, seems to be difficult and disagreeable for me.

At the same time, public opinion dictates that: “You have to work hard to be wealth, and you have to overcome suffering to be happy”. So here this is all rubbish.

Looking back, I remember depressive periods, when, with the heavy heart, I could work for whole month with out days of rest, and receive nothing for this, just “zero”, $0.00!!! And conversely, in positive moments, people came to me, wrote, called themselves and suggested money or job. Practically, 5 minutes for negotiations + 5 minutes for signing of an agreement, and in total for 10 minutes, earnings amounted to 3 average monthly salaries. Yes, there were also such happenings.


What conclusion we can do according this? Your life is not somewhere in the past, or in some expected events in the future, it is here, where you sitting or standing right in this moment, and in this moment, and this one… Realizing this, it will be much easier to seek the positive and something good. And after all namely that thing, which is the most pleasant and desired for you in this moment, is the key to happiness, rich, love and other good things what you are seeking for.

Do what you like, improve in this, and at the same time learn all available information about how to earn money on this (fortunately we are living in Era of the Internet, where we can find all needed information).

Important clarifying. 

WIWRN – it does not mean that you need to go into breaking bad and do all sorts of insane things, which are dictated by animal instincts, some trends or advertising. Likely, it will not bring you a lot of fun. Conversely, it is better to turn on mindfulness and listen to silent whisper of your soul, heart, inner self, subconscious, or name it as you like. It means that the answer is exactly inside of you.

Why ready-made business plans and success recipes are does not work? 

Ready success recipes – are another’s recipes, it unsuitable for you. Parent’s advisees would be good for previous generation, but nowadays it does not work too, now is another time – information age. Some pseudo guru YouTubers, which tell us their fantasies or retell Wikipedia, movie stars, who distributing advices on TV – it is all does not we really need. Yes, maybe, the things they are talking about were really useful for them, and made them rich and famous. But these people, in the fullness of time, neglected generally accepted rules (dogmas) and went their own way, which led them to success.
